Russell High School

More pics from Friday Night August 4th


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Cheryl Cheek Collier shows Kathy Callaway Birch some pictures, while Joyce Swinney McKinney shows her surprise at being photographed

Joannie Allen Curtis taking it all in..who are all these people?

Karel Gamblin McKinney and her hubby pose for a pic

Melissa Walker Brown, CB Hackworth, and Sally Patterson Pemberton

Don Harry and Becky Sewell Taylor emitting very surprised looks!

Kerry Stevenson Driskill( Don't take my picture!) and Melissa Walker Brown

Remember Sally Patterson Pemberton's picture in the annual..History is a story of People? I took that one too!

Picture of Sally Patterson Pemberton from the '75 annual

Same Look 25 years later...nice!

Saturday Night Pictures                     Take me Home

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